Speech Greeting During School Closing! I miss you all!
I miss all of my students and hope they are doing well! If you are interested, I am now conducting Zoom speech video consult sessions. Please contact me at: jerrichetti@thompsonpublicschools.org if you would like to start scheduling these online sessions. I am here to support my students’ needs!
Speech Class
Learn about some of the special speech activities and projects that I’m incorporating into my classes.
Home Activities
Here you will find a list of various exercises and other activities related to articulation and language that you can practice with your loved one at home.
Here you will find speech and language milestones, information associated with various speech-language delays, and links to direct you to some of the most knowledgeable speech resources.
Welcome to my Speech Website!
Welcome to my Speech-Language Website. I have been a professional full-time Speech-Language Pathologist for the past 18 years and would like to share some of the knowledge I have learned while working with children in the Public School System. On here you can find helpful links, resources, and even information related to some of the speech activities within my classroom.
Enjoy your stay on my website, and I hope you find all the information you're looking for! Feel free to contact me at jerrichetti@thompson publicschools.org if you have any further questions or need assistance getting the process started for your child who may demonstrate speech-language difficulties.
My Story
Hello, My name is Mrs. Jennifer Errichetti and I have been administering Speech-Language Therapy for the past 20 years (17 years in school settings). My areas of expertise include articulation, receptive/expressive language, social/pragmatic language skills, auditory processing, and fluency disorders.
I fell in love with the idea of being a teacher at a young age. This interest became even more prominent when I learned about the field of communication disorders and Speech-Language Pathology while in high school. This profession was the perfect match for me since I had already fostered an early interest in teaching and also had a special place in my heart for anyone facing challenges in school. Speech-Language Therapy was that perfect opportunity to do what I love through the art of teaching, but also gave me a specialized avenue by helping children who learn in unique ways. After earning my degrees (B.A. 1999, M.S. 2001) at Loyola University in Baltimore, MD I was well on my path to achieving these dreams of working with children with communication needs.
I currently work as a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist at Mary R. Fisher Elementary School (Grades Preschool through 4th Grade). I am also a mother to a very sweet 5 year old child and I treasure seeing all of his developmental milestones. I believe it is the creative process of reaching outside the box to explore new concepts with my son and my students that inspires me the most!